"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - Krishnamurti
You may not have ever heard about it. I googled the term above, "zeitgeist", and found out something like "the spirit of the times". Well, that refers to a movement, actually. Not only to a video. But to this post, I'll consider the videos at first.
I happened to know the second video first. It's called "Zeitgeist - Addendum". Good soundtrack, concept... Camera. The same about the first. But I have little to say about the form. I wouldn't have enough accuracy to talk about it. As for the content, thousand words. I'll be concise, though.
The first video starts by criticising religious institutions. That very old issue about Religion X Political/ Critical thinking: "religion is the opium of the people" and so and so. Yeah, it can be nowadays as it was in other periods of our History. Yet, it's a partial statement, for thanks to "religion", we had the promoting of vernacular language studies, printing press, and knowledge itself. Let's not forget who promoted (and paradoxally also blocked) knowledge in the Middle Ages.
Nevertheless, the first and second video altogether point out a very important issue: that our current model of civilization is actually "uncivilized", and self-destructive. The cruellest institution: money. It turns to be obvious that it is a matter of time for another empire fall. The same happened with The Romans, The Bizantine, etc. History shows that no empire endures forever. What we have seen to happen is that one gives place to another, and it is always one that allegedly claims to be the solution of the time, and reveals itself as being another failure. Yet, we're persistent. Why?
As calvinist protestant, I got an answer for this. An answer that comes through Christian spirituality, that is found in the Scriptures. As part of a society, I observe that we tend not to select and filter information as carefully as we should. We need things fast, we barely chew our meals properly. "Time is money". But, on the other hand, it is worth it to see what goes in other directions. Change our lenses and observe things from a different point of view. So take time to watch both videos, and give yourself some food for thought.
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